10 Home Maintenance Tasks to Perform

at the start of Daylight Saving Time

daylight saving time

We have changed our clocks and officially “sprung forward.” Are you feeling that lost hour of sleep? The start of Daylight Saving Time can serve as a good reminder to complete some important tasks around your home. We have outlined 10 home maintenance tasks for you to tackle as we enter Spring.

1. Replace the batteries in your smoke detector and Carbon Monoxide detector. These batteries should be changed twice a year to ensure proper function. This would also be a good time to have a “fire drill” in your home and discuss your emergency evacuation plan with your family. While you are at it, make sure you have fire extinguishers that are NOT expired!

2. Clean your furnace and replace your HVAC filters. This is also a good time to have your HVAC unit, specially your air conditioner, serviced or inspected. As the days get warmer, you will be using this a lot more often and you want to know it will be working well when you need it.

3. Drain your water heater. Performing this task can help reduce sediment that may lead to clogs and therefore help your system run more efficiently.

4. Clean your fireplace. Or better yet, have someone else do it! Since you may have been using this a lot during the winter, it’s a good time to clean it out and have it inspected for damages. If you do this now, you know it will be ready to use when Winter returns.

5. Clean your gutters. This is a great time to ensure there are no clogs and buildup which can lead to pooling water, causing damage to your home.

6. Flip and rotate your mattress; wash your pillows. It is recommended to flip and rotate your mattress periodically to promote even wear and tear. If your mattress is not “flippable” then just rotate it. And don’t forget those pillows! You wash your sheets regularly but when is the last time you washed that pillow?

7. Reverse the fan blades of your ceiling fans. In the Spring, the fan should rotate counterclockwise to cool down the room. In the Winter, it is recommended to have the blades rotate clockwise. This pulls down the warmer air that gets trapped near the ceiling. Both actions can help you save money on your heating and cooling bills.

8. Declutter your closets. You can begin to remove and prep your winter clothing for storage. This includes shoes too! It is also a good time to get rid of clothing that has been damaged or worn out, as well as items that no longer fit. Move those winter jackets out of the way to make room for raincoats and spring jackets.

9. Sort your medicine cabinet. Sort through your medicines and get rid of anything that has expired. This includes prescription medicines, but make sure you dispose of these properly! You should also restock your emergency kit and ensure you have a first aid kit that is easily

accessible. Make a list of items you need to replace. While you are in that emergency kit, make sure your flashlights have working batteries!

10. Clean out your pantry and fridge. Go through your pantry and fridge to removed expired items. Take note of items you haven’t used and no longer need to purchase. Take a few minutes to make a list of staple items you might need to replace. 

Many of these tasks are easily forgettable but very important. You don't want to find out the hard way that you have nothing but expired medicine! Performing these 10 tasks (and I am sure there are plenty more we could add to this list)  on a regular basis can help your home run more efficiently and safely.  And the start of Daylight Saving Time is the perfect reminder!

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